How Long Do Tankless Water Heaters Last? What to Expect Over Time

Energy-efficient tankless water heater installation in a Bay Area home, providing unlimited hot water supply and reducing utility costs.No one wants to hop in the shower after a long day only to find that the water coming out of the shower head is ice cold. Your water heater is what keeps your showers toasty in the winter and your dishes clean in the dishwasher. While many homes have the traditional water heater with a reservoir tank to store the water in, recent technological advances have given us an electrical water heater that does not require a large tank. This can not only help to save space in your home but also improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Thinking about investing in a tankless water heater but nervous about what you are getting yourself into? Not to worry, we are here to help! This discussion will go over what can impact the tankless water heater lifespan, what the average life expectancy of a tankless water heater is, tips and tricks to make your water heater last longer, and what to do in the event you need a replacement.

What Affects the Average Tankless Water Heater


Do tankless water heaters last longer? When making as big of an investment as purchasing a brand-new water heater, you want to know how long it will last and whether it will last long enough to make the investment worth it. The factors that can impact the longevity of your water heater include the quality of your water, your maintenance routine, how often you use your water heater, and the quality of the installation.

1. Can Water Quality Damage a Water Heater?

To determine the life expectancy of a tankless water heater in your home, it is important to take into account the water quality in your area. If you live in an area with hard water, meaning that your water has a higher density of minerals in it, then these minerals can build up in your heater and lead to wear and corrosion. This leads to your unit wearing down faster and needing more frequent repairs, but a simple solution is to invest in a water treatment plan. These can include filtration methods such as using carbon, disinfection, and sedimentation.

2. Maintenance and Regular Service

Keeping to a routine water heater maintenance plan can help prolong the life of a tankless water heater. Regular maintenance and service on your water heater may feel like another chore on your ever-growing list, but it is worth it in the long run. Routine maintenance can catch potential issues early on before they become more serious breaks, and it can help keep your unit clean and running smoothly.

3. Usage Patterns and Demand

How often you use your water heater and the stress you put on it can impact the tankless water heater’s lifespan. If you love to take long showers with hot water, that can put a strain on your water heater and cause it to wear down faster. This is not to say that you can never use your water heater ever, but it is important to keep your hot water usage in check so that your unit does not experience too much demand.

Some tips that you can try out at home include trying to keep your showers short and using less hot water when washing your hands or brushing your teeth.

4. Installation Quality

The longevity of your tankless water heater can be set from the moment it is installed in your home. Proper installation of your unit can make or break it, and a unit that is not installed correctly can have a much shorter lifespan. Make sure that you work with a plumbing company that is trained to install tankless water heaters, and schedule routine service appointments to make sure the unit is working properly right out the gate.

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What is the Life Expectancy of a Tankless Water Heater?

While the specific lifespan of a tankless water heater varies based on the factors mentioned above, you can expect your unit to last for around 15 to 20 years with the proper care. This means that you can expect to get this many years with your water heater as long as you keep up with the proper maintenance and service appointments and do what you can at home to limit the amount of strain you put on your tankless water heater.

Do Tankless Water Heaters Last Longer?

If your home already has a traditional water heater with a tank, why go through the hassle of upgrading to a tankless water heater? One major benefit is that tankless water heaters tend to last longer than water heaters with tanks. Traditional water heaters work by heating water and then storing it in the tank until it is used. However, storing this water leads to corrosion in the tank, leading to breaks and water leaks. Tankless water heaters do not have this issue, as there is no tank to corrode. On average, traditional water heaters last for around 10 years, while tankless water heaters last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.

For more information on the energy efficiency of tankless water heaters, check out “Tankless or Demand-Type Water Heaters” from

How To Extend the Life of Your Tankless Water Heater

  • Stay on top of routine maintenance and service appointments.
  • Keep an eye out for any red flags that could indicate an issue, such as a lack of warm water from your faucets or water that takes a long time to heat up.
  • If you think there may be an issue with your tankless water heater, reach out to a professional plumber in your area.

When to Replace Your Tankless Water Heater

A few guidelines to determine if your tankless water heater needs to be replaced include:

  • Visible wear and tear to your unit
  • Sudden performance issues such as a lack of hot water or water that takes a while to actually heat up
  • Having an older water heater unit

Professional Tankless Water Heater Service in the Bay Area

Looking for a local plumber in the Bay area to help with your tankless water heater? Wizard Plumbing and Drain offers outstanding customer service and results that are made to last. Our team of plumbing wizards is ready to work their magic and provide you with quality tankless water heater installations, maintenance, and replacements.

Contact Wizard Plumbing and Drain today or give us a call at (650) 514-5401. We are proud to serve our local community in San Mateo, California, and the surrounding areas.

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